Let me first of all apologize to all of you for not being able to post here regularly the past few days. Me and my sister were busy running around the cops and answering their questions. One would not believe just how many times we both were called to the station to provide signatures and/or answer their questions during the course of their investigations. Of course, they also did make their way to my home many a time and therefore I do not have any complaints regarding this.

The main drawback in this situation was that Mr Exodia being in Poland, it was becoming a lot more cumbersome for the cops to directly apprehend him, without involving the interpol.

By now it is not a big secret anymore that the INTERPOL had finally taken notice of the crimes taking place within and through the pro-terrorist site EXETOOLS, which, while pretending to be an innocuous RCE site on the surface is in truth a nesting and breeding ground for crimes and criminals of the worst order.

Consequently the INTERPOL conducted a lightning raid on the EXETOOLS servers in the wee hours of the morning last weekend (16th and 17th Feb) and in the process, took down the EXETOOLS hosting servers within a few minutes, taking a dump of the database with them.

Many of you who tried to access the EXETOOLS site last week would have noticed that the site was offline for over 2 days. Now you know the reason.

Ultimately, the EXETOOLS staff managed to move the site to another server, but the question is, HOW MUCH LONGER would it be before THAT site is also brought down by the cops? I would say that the days for EXETOOLS forum are NUMBERED.

As most of you already must be well aware, the crimes prevalent in the EXETOOLS site are not just pertinent to software piracy but also major ones like TERRORISM , Under-age Sexual Harassment , etc

A lot of senior reversers had already left the forum well before this blog could expose their criminal deeds to the whole world.

All the crime started mainly after the demise of the founders Zenix and Aaron in December 2018.

The main perpetrators of the terrorism and other crimes in EXETOOLS forum are CHANTS and Ahmadmansoor , as already discussed in other posts in this blog.

There have been a number of queries regarding whether I am still going to release the SITE-RIP of EXETOOLS forum or not.

Due to the overwhelming feedback we’d received regarding this matter, that it would be a lot better to post the entire site-rip as another site on the internet with REGULAR UPDATES (rather than as a CHM), for all to visit and refer to, I would be doing exactly that.

I will not only be creating an exact MIRROR of the EXETOOLS forum, but also will be UPDATING the mirror on a regular basis, the updates being any useful material actually shared in the original EXETOOLS forum.
These regular updates would not be possible, should I just create and share a CHM file of the site-rip.

A few patrons had also asked me for the PoC Keygen for IDA to be shared again as the original links were down.

Anyone who missed downloading it from my original share can download it here.

Note that this is just the PoC Keygen Source Code that was originally shared at EXETOOLS several weeks ago.

Finally, a BIG THANK YOU to all the VIP members of EXETOOLS who are taking the trouble to provide me the shares from EXETOOLS to make my idea a success.


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