The REAL eXeTools Forum (

The purpose of this blog is to expose certain atrocities that I had experienced during the short period of time that I was a member at the eXetools forum (

Two main categories of illegal activities are prevalent in this forum:
1.Recruiting members for Jihadi and Terrorist Groups
2.Female sexual exploitation and harassment

While to all external appearances it gives the impression that the eXeTools forum is a decent Reverse Engineering forum, in reality, what lurks beneath is illegal activity of the highest order.

Specifically, I will be focusing on the two main activities that take place rampantly in the forum and also provide screenshots to support my statements.

Where available, I will also give direct links to the original archived pages of the eXeTools forum by That way, the readers can be doubly sure that the forum posts and pages had indeed existed online at a certain point of time, to have been directly archived by the (or equivalent) sites.

I will be posting here on a regular basis. So please do check back often. Comments are also encouraged – do post a comment to let us know what you think.

If any Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) want to contact me for more details, they are welcome. Just post a comment below with your contact details and reasonable evidence that you are really from an LEA, and I will get back to you very soon.

Each and every blog post on this site has been thoroughly vetted by our legal personnel and found fit for publication.

If you still feel that certain content on the site is inappropriate, please contact me by posting a comment below and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

As I’d already mentioned, I will be posting FULL PROOF to back up each and every one of my statements, in the blog posts that follow.

Sorry, I’d forgotten to enable COMMENTS for the blog pages. Now they are enabled. You can post your comments. Thank you!

4 Replies to “The REAL eXeTools Forum (”

  1. aka niculaita, I am looking forward for your interesting and so time shattering posts
    please add me with [REDACTED] to be updated

    1. I know who you are prenumele 😉 Please do not post your email IDs AS comments (to avoid spam to yourselves) . Just FOLLOW this blog or write a comment (it requires you to enter an email id to be able to post the comment). Thank you for your patronage.

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