PSA: Gregory Morse Opens Hijabi Porn Site

This is a public safety announcement that the well known criminal Gregory Morse alias Abdul Mooed recently opened a porn site with muslim porn stars.

Yes, we are referring to this Gregory Morse from Cleveland, Ohio:

We already know about how he not only seduced his professor in return for inclusion of his name in her paper, but also made a detailed blog post about his exploits when he was high on weed, this week.

My Wild Fling with the Lascivious Melinda Tóth

Gregory was also shameless enough to post about his affairs with his university staff:

My Fun and Frolic with Eötvös Loránd University Staff

Abdul Mooed also openly blasphemed Allah here:

Trash the Lord “My Balls to the Lord”

Now this appears to be the last nail in his coffin when he started a porn site with videos of women in hijabs having sex, exposing all their private parts of course.

Let’s not forget how he wrote about his own mother just today in his blog post in an effort to gain a little sympathy and make money:

Gregory Morse Traumatised: My Mum Slept with a Stranger

He also opened begged for money:

Gregory Morse: Need Help For My Drug Addiction Problem

Muslims all over the World condemned this revolting behavior on the part of Gregory Morse (Abdul Mooed)

[PSA] Change your email IDs at Exetools forum

This is a public service announcement to advise everyone who is registered at the Exetools forum that the forum admins have been selling your email addresses for marketing purposes.

Some email accounts have also been hacked by the forum admins.

Not surprising given that they have been accepting bribes in return for rank upgrades and unban of accounts and also trying to sell off the exetools domain.

Just change your email IDs in that forum to a temporary one or to one that is not your “main” account.

Meanwhile, Gregory Morse alias “chants” from Exetools has been caught trying to sell videos of his Quran chants!

See here: