Ahmadmansoor: The Syria-eXeTools Terrorism Connection

This is a a vital piece of news that would help take the law enforcement authorities a very long way in deciphering and understanding the roots of the Ahmadmansoor-Syrian Terrorism Connection and the involvement of eXeTools forum in the whole process.

We will also describe the role of CHANTS, the main Jihad Recruiter in the eXeTools forum and how Ahmadmansoor, Atomos, Chants (Gregory Morse from Cleveland, Ohio) p4r4d0x and Cachito Castania (lending his support from Argentina) complement each other.

You may like to recall that Mr Ahmadmansoor is the self proclaimed “Ring Leader” and “Team Manager” of the terrorists within the eXeTools Forum.

In this blog post dated the 16th of January, 2019 we’d already given an introduction to Ahmadmansoor as well as a few details of his present location from where he coordinates the terrorist activities through the eXeTools forum.

Here you can see Ahmadmansoor involved in the distribution of LEAKS for the WikiLeaks named as “The Syrian Files”.

Screenshot and discussion is from this link:


Ahmadmansoor’s Email Address Used in Communications for the Wiki-Leaks

As you can clearly see in the screenshot above, Ahmadmansoor is commonly also known as “The Lion King” among his circles.

In the second screenshot below, you can see how Ahmadmansoor continues to take active part in the movement and send emails.

Ahmadmansoor Continues to Email People There

The second screenshot is taken from this page in WikiLeaks here:


While it can be argued that the 2 screenshots pasted above are innocuous, I would agree that by themselves, they pretty much do not prove anything.

However, in the coming few days, we will BUILD UP on these pieces of evidence and show the readers how Ahmadmansoor co-ordinates the terrorist activities including recruiting innocent young men, brainwashing them with Jihadi texts translated to English with the help of Chants (Gregory Morse from Cleveland, Ohio) and Atomos from Sacramento (CA, USA).

As noted earlier last week, Ahmadmansoor at this time is known to be in DUBAI (U.A.E) “working” as an IT Programming Manager at Golden Square Engineering Consultants.

For anyone having any further doubts about the true nature of the eXeTools forum and Ahmadmansoor, you only need to check out THIS THREAD and ask yourself just one question:

WHY is this person who posts such material simply not banned? It is not even a one-time thing. He REPEATEDLY posts the same anti-FBI propaganda in RCE forums. Why is he STILL allowed to remain?

The answer stares at us right in the face:

Ahmadmansoor ALSO supports and in fact had taken in CHANTS for that SOLE PURPOSE. To brainwash members of the forum with his Jihadi and Anti-American propaganda.

Today we see that Chants continues his propaganda in the tuts4you forum:

Chants Continues His propaganda at Tuts4you Forum on 21 Jan 2019

In fact we can clearly in the screenshot below from a few days past in that same forum (tuts4you) see that due to his behavior, certain restrictions needed to be applied on his account:

Private Messaging Feature For Chants Removed

Finally do not forget to see this thread where you can clearly see proof that the admins at eXeTools are attacking and sabotaging their own members.

Regarding the Joker Toro Nikan, I have just one thing to say regarding his childish posts:

DO NOT be like a BROKEN RECORD Toro Nikan, playing and re-playing the same old tune, along with your lackeys.

Toro Nikan – The Broken Record Playing Over and Over

Whatever you posted regarding the dongle is OLD INFO. It does not work on the present day dongles.

Coming Up Next:

Details of the Chess Dog 101 (ChessGod101) ‘s Role in eXeTools

Chess Dog 101
(Photo Credits: Justin Paget; Usage under Fair Use Clause for Non-Commercial Purpose)


Content posted in this blog post and site is from public information and has been vetted and approved by our legal advisors for publication.

For any DMCA/Copyright Claims, please contact us by leaving a comment with your contact details and we will get back to you within 24 hours to provide you with the official form. Please note that any claims without real names and valid contact details will be summarily rejected.

Request ANY eXeTools Forum’s “Attached” Files!

I am pleased to announce that till I upload and share the 8 GB worth of attachments from the site-rip of the eXeTools forum, I will offering this facility whereby you can request ANY attachment from ANY post in the eXeTools forum, and I will be making it available to you here within a maximum of 24 hours.

You can request ANY attachment from ANY thread from the eXeTools forum. Even if it is located in the VIP or hidden sections of the forum. Just post your request in a comment below and we will upload and make the attachment available to you.

In most cases, if I am not at school, I will be able to upload and share the requested attachment within a few hours of your request.

Please provide the following details for the Requested Attachment:

(1) TITLE of the Thread the file is located in

(2) NAME of the Attached File that you are requesting

Please do NOT provide the URL of the direct download link to the attachment as it can change from user to user in some cases.

It could also be used to identify the VIP member who would be helping us get hold of that attachment…

That is why all you’d need to do is to provide the name of the thread and the attachment only, as a comment in this thread, as stated above.

Please see the example below to understand this better:

Title of Thread and Name of Attachment Should be Posted in the Comment.

We would like to sincerely thank the VIP members of the eXeTools forum who had pledged us their undying support in this venture of ours.

We will never be able to repay their kindness. Thank you.

The Shame: ZeNiX Caught Red-Handed

Today I am going to expose the shame of Zenix (the admin) and Aaron (the founder) of ExeTools.

The height of their shame and the DEPTHS to which they do not hesitate to stoop down to, can be best proved with the help of two screenshots which I paste below.

Fake User and Thread Created by Zenix and Aaron

An hour ago they went so far as to create a fake user and then post some rubbish on their own forum.

You can see the thread still present on the eXeTools forum, if it has not been deleted by the admins after viewing this blog post:


You may wonder as to HOW I know that the admins posted created that fake user, POSTED lies in the name of that fake user TakeLove, and even BANNED that user for effect lol.

Well, the answer STARES right back at our faces if you look at the next screenshot.

The second screenshot is from this link (https://ibb.co/2W38b94) that is seen in the first screenshot above:


Some GLARING points that the admins overlooked when committing the dastardly misdeed:

There is a CHECK BOX next to every post. This is available and visible to ONLY by the admins and when checked, this box enables the admin to CHOOSE that post for either editing or DELETION.

In their hurry to discredit senior reversers, they’d forgotten to delete that portion lol!

There is also an EDIT box visible as highlighted there. The edit box should be visible ONLY for 30 minutes for normal users. It will be visible indefinitely for users logged in as ADMINS.

I do not even need to point this out but the characteristic language used by ZeNix would be identifiable and would be crystal clear to all who knows her.

Zenix used the following credentials to create that fake ID:

meignore-yandexcom as the user name and
[email protected] as the FAKE email ID
from this IP address:

As this is the work of a criminal who is impersonating innocent people to commit misdeeds, we have confirmed that it is alright to post the info so that the other users could be alerted to this dangerous woman and her merciless and inhuman tactics to corner and attack unsuspecting individuals who were foolish enough to register on her forum..

She is using the exact same credentials to create another fake ID on REDDIT by the nick of meignore in an attempt to post these same lies there.

This the screenshot of the exact same nonsense she attempted to post on reddit a few hours earlier:

ZeNiX posted the exact same message on REDDIT a few hours prior , before creating that fake user and thread on eXeTools!

Of course, we have the LOOSE MOUTHED p4r4d0x ready to jump in and blaspheme as much as his loose mouth allows him to, about senior reversers:

LOOSE MOUTH p4r4d0x Barking Up the Wrong Tree 😀

He should get his FACTS RIGHT first BEFORE he starts barking whatever he feels with his evil little mouth.