Teddy Rogers of Tuts4you Supports Gregory Morse (Jihadi Abdul Muid)

This is a serious post, I request everyone to actually visit the links and see for themselves before dismissing this as fake.

Check out the person named Gregory Morse (aka ProgMan on Tuts4you and CHANTS on Exetools) . Yeah that author has a nice picture on his Github page (https://github.com/GregoryMorse):

Gregory Morse aka Abdul Muid

What is more interesting is that the same user has even more controversial content on his YouTube page (ranging all the way from 2011). The most interesting one being this:

This video linked to above is dated Feb 3, 2012 and the same person that we see on the GitHub page photo (Gregory Morse) is also seen speaking in this video! See the date in the screenshot below.

Gregory Morse Person speaking is the same as in the photo on the Github page

Other videos on Gregory’s Home page:

You can view the full playlist here:

Details about this terrorist were posted on tuts4you today by a journalist, but not surprisingly, Teddy Rogers, the admin of the tuts4you site, hurriedly got it deleted.

It is well known that Teddy Rogers receives funds from terrorists like Abdul Muid aka Gregory Morse for the upkeep of the tuts4you site. So it is not a huge wonder that he gets the posts detrimental to terrorism removed in a hurry from his website!

Meanwhile, as covered already, TonyWeb, previously a well respected reverser, continues to sell child porn on various online sites:

and also

Gregory Morse Starts IDA Pro Crack Drama Again at Exetools

Recall that TonyWeb was caught red-handed selling child porn on the Exetools and other online forums like the BetaBBS (PhoenixBBS).

Now it appears that he has joined hands with well known criminals and terrorists like Gregory Morse to expand his illegal activities online.

Yesterday, Gregory Morse was found once again, posting a bunch of horse-shit on the Exetools forum regarding the IDA Pro and the watermarks in it. It is reproduced below:

Gregory HotAir Morse aka Chants posts Trash on Exetools again!

What did Gregory Moose (aka Chants) actually contribute to any online forum including the Exetools forum in the past 2 years?

Nothing except HOT AIR. HOT AIR , HOT AIR and nothing but MORE HOT AIR in regards to claims about hacking IDA PRO.

What is even funnier is the fact that the only persons who he manages to fool without any real output of quality work on his part, is the administrators of the Exetools forum who nod their heads knowledgeably pretending to understand all that hot air and bullshit from Gregory Morse (chants).

We already know how Gregory Morse (from Cleveland, Ohio) was forced to flee the United States a few years ago after his anti-FBI Propaganda on the Exetools forum in association with the Syrian terrorist Ahmadmansoor.

Even more childish and laughable is the fact how the administrators of the Exetools forum promoted the terrorist recruiter and sleeper cell specialist Gregory Morse to a VIP rank just to “provoke” the well known reverser who goes by the nick TechLord.

By promoting a wanted criminal to a VIP rank they do not realize the risk that they have subjected the rest of the members of the Exetools to!

Once again, the question begs itself and stares at us in the face:

Is there at least ONE contribution from Gregory Morse in the past 2 years that could justify his promotion to a VIP rank? Answer: NONE. No contributions. Just hot air.

A photo of Gregory Morse aka Chants can seen below:

Gregory Morse aka Chants – The Wanted Criminal

TonyWeb Exposes Aaron, The Founder of Exetools Terrorism and Fraud Forum

We have some astounding news pieces to cover today. Stay glued to your screens for some riveting info that is sure to shock you to the core.

The usually mild-manner TonyWeb finally seems to have made up his mind to SELL his cracks instead of sharing them free-of-cost and has even started his own online site where he is now accepting crack requests in return for various forms of payment, which include monetary payments only in Bitcoin (Hmm.. So no taxes for you, TonyWeb? 😀 Tax evasion is a crime, you know? 😉 )

But what was even more shocking was the way in which TonyWeb posted the photograph of Aaron, the founder of the popular cracking site Exetools (https://forum.exetools.com) which also showed his wife in it (who is also a staff member of the Exetools forum). I am posting that same photo below:

Visit https://i.postimg.cc/KzXqpXwz/Aaron-and-Zenix-Wedding.jpg to view the image
Aaron the founder of Exetools (forum.exetools.com) with his wife (also a staff of Exetools)

Although Tonyweb claims to be heterosexual in his sexual preferences, it shocked us to see TonyWeb actually “jacking off” to the picture above. 😀

At first we thought that it was the BRIDE in the photo that he was getting off of on, but we were stunned when Tonyweb actually looked us straight in the eye and said that the pic of Aaron was what gave him the raging hard-on that he needed to relieve him of, urgently.

Maybe all that illegal porn that TonyWeb was selling of late, what what caused him to change his sexual preferences? Who knows?!

As everyone is already aware, Exetools is a popular crack request forum which was recently in the news for recruiting terrorists and for facilitating sleeper cells in Syria.

Gregory Morse aka Chants aka Progman

Gregory Moose (who also uses various aliases like Progman, Chants, etc ) is also a prominent figure who trained various terrorists in the past with his anti-FBI propaganda and sleeper cells.

The Exetools forum is also well known for its cracked releases of the popular IDA Pro software for the past few years, where Gregory Moose took the lead in its cracking and sales of the contraband versions of the software.