PSA: TSRh Forum Openly Posts Porn Posts

You can see from the screenshot above a thread claiming to teach how to “Decode erotic images from CD-ROMs of magazines” which was posted at TSRh,ws forum as recently as the 15th of September, 2021.

As evidence, THIS IS THE DIRECT LINK TO THAT OFFENDING THREAD which still continues to be left online at the forum:

Posting porn at is not something new but what is new is that in the chatbox of the forum, the pea-brained Admin of TSRh CACHITO started lamenting that a famous reverse engineer “reported” the TSRh site as containing the illegal pornography!

I mean, anyone with half a brain would know that when someone posts an explicit thread in the forum claiming to provide step by step instructions to “Decode erotic images from CD-ROMs”, that then the forum would get reported sooner or later…

Of course, the usuals continue: TonyWeb continues his financial fraud by patching financial software to steal the bank account login and other financial details of innocent trusting users who use his “cracked apps”.

Let’s not forget Gregory Morse, better known as CHANTS, who now started a new fiasco under the new nick DominicCummings His other aliases include collins, etc at tuts4you.