GMAIL EVIDENCE of Denuvo Employee Mr Exodia’s Sexual Harassment of 13 Year Old Girl


As promised in this blog post, I am able to finally release the GMAIL proof of Mr Exodia asking for sexual favors from my 13 year old sister last year in exchange for Denuvo game cracks.

Anyone who does not know the background of this crime story can kindly read this blog post from last month where everything is explained in detail. You can also read the discussion I’d posted last month regarding the reasons as to why I decided to post everything on this blog rather than just go to the police.

In a nutshell, the reason that I’d decided to make this whole thing public was so that Mr.Exodia would not be able to repeat this crime towards any other underage girl ever again.

So today, I am going to post the VIDEO and also screenshots of that GMAIL [email] notification which clearly confirm the fact that the screenshots which I’d shared in my earlier blog post last month are all 100% genuine.

I will post the full video of myself opening the GMAIL’s web-mail page, click on the SSL certs to show that I am indeed logging on to the genuine GMAIL site, show the email in my inbox and of course, I will also click on the “Show Original” so that you can see the headers, and most importantly, you can also see that it passes the SPF verification, which shows that the email is a genuine one!

Members of the EXETOOLS forum know that when anyone messages them using the forum’s Personal Messenger (PM) , the recipient member would get a NOTIFICATION via email, with the full details of the PM sent to them.

The GIF video below shows the exact sequence of events right from the time I login to GMAIL: CLICK ON THE PIC BELOW TO SEE GIF

GIF Video of Myself Opening the GMAIL INBOX and Showing Even the HEADERS

Please note that I needed to blur some details as per the instructions from my legal advisors.

I was also told that I did NOT need to blur out the details of the EXETOOLS email servers’ IP addresses and their domain details as they were apparently considered as PUBLIC INFO, based on the fact that ANYONE receiving an email from the servers would be knowing the details.

Let me also just post the screenshot of the email:

Screenshot of the GMAIL Notification Received from the EXETOOLS Server

Just to show that the above image was not created by Photoshop or by editing HTML, I had posted the full video that showed everything I did right from the time I open the GMAIL inbox.

FULL SIZE Video can be watched here (same video):

There is no doxing involved here, and as already noted above, only PUBLIC INFORMATION has been left visible in the GIF video above.