Tuts4you Forum: Hundreds Die After Following Quack COVID Advices By Gregory Morse and Teddy Rogers

We had already published a story around 3 weeks ago detailing the dangerous COVID-19 cures advertised by some of the members of the popular tuts4you forum. In that story we provided clear screenshots of the forum pages as well as links to the original forum pages and the archived ones.

Gregory Morse

We follow up on that story to show how hundreds of innocent people, many of them children, died as a result of following the dangerous medical advices from the resident quack doctor Gregory Morse who paid the owner of the forum, Mr Teddy Rogers (Melbourne, Australia) to allow him to remain on that forum and post whatever trash advices that he wished.

Several school children landed in hospital where some of them subsequently died, after they tried to “wash their intestines” with a saline solution by using a veterinary needle to inject sea-water into their abdomen. This was advised by Gregory Morse on tuts4you a few weeks ago as a “preventive for the COVID viral illness” and was approved by the administrators of the forum Teddy Rogers as well as Loki.

Gregory Morse was known to be funding the tuts4you forum with millions of dollars raised through illegal operations including the sales of illegal drugs. In return for his money, Teddy Rogers and Loki are well known to lick the boots of Gregory Morse .

The tuts4you forum is now well known to be a dark bottomless pit for luring unsuspecting souls down the slippery slope of contraband drugs with promises of “cracked” software.

Thinly disguised as a “reversing forum” it is nothing but a snake-pit for the depraved and the society rejects to take refuge in and lure more and more teenagers into the one-way lane of drug abuse out of which there can be no return.

Gregory Morse is the scourge that destroyed the once bustling and blooming EXETOOLS forum. One that forum got destroyed, this creature from hell descended into the tuts4you forum and bribed Teddy Rogers so that he could use that tuts4you forum as his main base to continue his nefarious operations.

More on this tomorrow. Please bookmark this site and return back for more updates.

Tuts4you Forum Peddles Dangerous Cures for COVID-19

Chants (Gregory Morse from Cleveland, Ohio) once again made the
headlines for creating a new terrorist technique to kill people without
the use of assault weaponry.

Gregory Morse

Chants from tuts4you (where he masquerades under the nick of ProgMan)
added a new dimension to terrorism by posting dangerous “cures” for
COVID-19, in an attempt to kill as many innocent people as possible.

He had initially called himself the FROG-MAN as he liked to drink FROG SOUP made from the feet of frogs and also enjoyed BAT SOUP made from fresh bats. Yes the kind of bats that live in caves and hang upside down from trees to sleep… Due to societal pressure at Ohio where people did not like the idea of bats being brought into their neighborhoods, Chants changed his nick to Progman later.

Chants called this the “New Weaponless Killing Tactic” and was found
posting the detailed principles for the implementation of this

According to Chants, one was supposed to prey on the fears of the
victim population and suggest dangerous remedies that could ultimately
lead to the victims’ deaths if followed! Chants referred to this as NEW AGE TERRORISM and was found busy teaching it to his followers at the eXeTools forum as well as at the tuts4you forum!

In this case, Gregory Morse suggested that drinking concentrated common salt solution (sodium chloride) would “flush” the intestines and thus ultimately cure the COVID infection by killing the virus.

This strategy if adopted by anyone with renal failure or hypertension
could lead to life threatening emergencies which would most likely end
up fatally!

Chants also suggested a whole list of quack remedies which he claimed
would cure the COVID infection.

You can see the screenshots below.

Click here if you cannot view image: https://i.postimg.cc/BZRHYwwS/chants-quack-cures.png
Chants aka Progman Recommends Dangerous Cures for COVID-19: CLICK ON PIC

The original thread at tuts4you can be accessed at this link: https://forum.tuts4you.com/topic/42007-coronavirus/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-203338

In case it is taken down, you can see it archived for posterity here: http://archive.is/DjlCG

Meanwhile Teddy Rogers, the admin of Tuts4you decides to turn a blind eye to all this since LOKI, the co-admin of tuts4you is also the admin of eXeTools forum where the main work of recruiting and training terrorists takes place.