Terrorist Activity at IMS Injection Moulding Company: Used as Training and Recruiting Centre

Gregory Morse was already discussed earlier several times in our blog posts in the past few months. Lately he seemed to be silent but once again resurfaced at the tuts4you forum (as ProgMan) and at the exetools forum (as chants) with several posts targeted to bring down critical web server infrastructure in the United States of America.

Gregory Morse aka Chants aka Progman

Using the moniker of “chants”, Gregory Morse was found requesting EXPLOITS for Spectre.

It was also found that Gregory Morse was found to be using his father’s IMS Injection Moulding factory based right in the US as a front for his terrorist operations. This is not only shocking but also news that deserves to rise to the headlines in every newspaper and blog!

This is a developing story and rapid news updates are expected in the next 24 hours. Please await further updates and keep checking this page frequently!